
Cambodia Marks the Day of Deaf

The Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans, and Youth Rehabilitation marks the 12th National and 67th International Day of Deaf, highlighting the particular attention to the group with the disability.

H.E. Minister, Chea Somethy, who is also the Chairperson of the Disability Action Council, gathered all relevant stakeholders to observe the day at the ministry on Sept. 25.

Addressing the event, he cited the Cambodia census 2019 showing that 4.9 percent of the country’s 16-million population are those with disabilities, of whom 2.8 are deaf.

The disability, he said, does not only affect the deaf themselves alone, but it also affects their families, friends, and communities and bears economic consequences.

The Royal Government, through the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans, and Youth Rehabilitation, as well as the Disability Action Council, has always been aware of the needs and challenges of people with all types of disabilities, including deaf people and their families.

Disability is also considered a p
riority sector as part of Cambodia’s social protection system.

The government has established the National Institute of Special Education for the training of professional teachers at all levels so that they can run classes for people with the disability for them to access education and pursue their future careers, he added.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse