Cambodia, Singapore Renew Cooperation on Industrial Property

Phnom Penh: The Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology and Innovation (MISTI) and the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) have signed the second renewal of their Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Industrial Property Cooperation. The virtual signing ceremony reaffirms the commitment of both countries to strengthen intellectual property in the industrial sector.

According to Agence Kampuchea Presse, this renewal extends the original MoU signed in 2015 for a period of five years for the second time. The agreement emphasizes enhancing economic exchange and supporting Cambodia’s innovation ecosystem through capacity building, IP protection, and alignment with international frameworks.

H.E. HEM Vanndy, Minister of MISTI, highlighted the importance of this collaboration by stating, “By formalising collaboration in areas such as patent, industrial design, training and sharing of best practices, we have enhanced the IP systems and fostered the protection of industrial property in both countries. MISTI-IPOS cooperation not only facilitates mutual recognition of IP rights but also underscores a shared commitment to economic development in the context of an evolving technological landscape.”

According to MISTI, key initiatives under the renewed MoU include the continued re-registration of Singapore patents in Cambodia, capacity-building programmes for Cambodian officials, and ongoing collaboration to improve IP governance. The MoU also facilitates the use of financial and technical resources to advance patent and industrial design systems in Cambodia.

The signing marks a decade of partnership between MISTI and IPOS, reflecting their shared vision for innovation and intellectual property development in the region. On January 14, 2025, MISTI, in collaboration with WIPO and JPO, launched the Online Filing Service for patents, utility model certificates, and industrial designs. This initiative supports Cambodia’s efforts to digitalise public services and foster an ecosystem for industrial development and innovation. The continued collaboration with IPOS will contribute to enhancing this online service.