Environment Minister: Air Quality in Cambodia Remains Good

Phnom Penh: Minister of Environment, H.E. Dr. Eang Sophalleth, has emphasised that public air quality in Cambodia is good, meaning that it does not affect human health, while neighbouring countries are facing serious air pollution problems. ‘I’d like to confirm that today (Jan. 22), the air quality in Cambodia is good [.], while some countries around us are suffering from severe [air] pollution,’ he said while presiding over a ceremony to recognise Kampong Chhnang as a model and first province without garbage and plastic waste in public places.

According to Agence Kampuchea Presse, H.E. Dr. Eang Sophalleth called on his compatriots to continue to maintain good air quality in Cambodia by not taking any action that could affect air quality, such as burning garbage and plastic waste, which not only affects air quality but also the environment and health. The Minister also laid stress on the necessity of effective implementation of a government’s circular on measures to prevent and reduce public air pollution to
manage all sources of air pollution, aiming to ensure the citizens’ safety and well-being.

The activities contributing to the decline in air quality include emissions from industrial vehicles, plastic waste dumping and incineration, and dust generated from construction sites. Forest fires, burning of grass and agricultural waste, open solid waste burning, and landfill fires are also the main contributors.

According to the Ministry of Environment’s air quality monitoring, from Jan. 1 to 21, 2025, the air quality in Phnom Penh capital and the provinces was at a good level compared to public air quality standards.