
Sichuan Pan Asia Investment Co., Ltd. Eying Investment in Agriculture and Agro-Industry in Cambodia

A Chinese delegation led by Mr. Qiu Ge, CEO of Sichuan Pan Asia Investment Co., Ltd., accompanied by Santana Agro Products Co., Ltd., has been looking forward to investment opportunities in Cambodia in the areas of agriculture and agro-industry.

The delegation was received by H.E. CHEA Vuthy, Secretary General of Cambodian Board of Investment of the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC), at the CDC Head Office on Sept. 25.

Mr. Qiu Ge briefed H.E. CHEA Vuthy on investment activities of Sichuan Pan Asia Investment Co. Ltd. in the fields of mines and logistics construction in countries in Southeast Asia and in agro-industry (planting, processing and selling).

For his part, H.E. CHEA Vuthy informed his guests about Cambodia’s favourable investment environment, and welcomed the Chinese company’s investment plan.

H.E. Secretary General further mentioned about the Royal Government’s cooperation with Cambodia Australia Partnership for Resilient Economic Development (CAPRED) to draft a common framework on
incentive package for Agri-food Industrial Park (AIP) to promote and accelerate private investment in processing industry which gives added value for Cambodia’s agricultural products.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse