
Trump says his talks with N. Korean leader Kim prove ‘real change’ is possible

Former U.S. President Donald Trump said in a soon-to-be published book that his summitry with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un during his time in office showed “real change” was “indeed” possible, portraying it as “honest, direct and productive.”

The Republican presidential candidate made the remarks in the photo book, titled “Save America,” reinforcing speculation that should he win the Nov. 5 general election, he could revive his personal diplomacy with the recalcitrant leader in Pyongyang.

He also took stock of his engagement with South Korea during his White House term from 2017-2021, saying he forged a “great” relationship with the Asian ally though he pointed out having Seoul start “paying more” for defense was “very important” to him.

“Chairman Kim Jong-un has an opportunity like no other — to be remembered as the leader who ushered in a glorious new era of security and prosperity for his people,” he wrote in the book, set to be released Tuesday.

“Our unprecedented meeting, the first between an Am
erican president and leader of North Korea, proves that real change is indeed possible. My meeting with Chairman Kim was honest, direct and productive. We got to know each other well in a very confined period of time,” he added.

Source: Yonhap News Agency