
(2nd LD) Number of N. Korean defectors entering S. Korea nearly triples in 2023

The number of North Korean defectors who arrived in South Korea came to 196 last year amid a rise in defections by North Korean diplomats and trade officials, government data showed Thursday.

The defections by 32 men and 164 women raised the total number of the North’s defectors in South Korea to 34,078, according to the data from Seoul’s unification ministry in charge of inter-Korean affairs.

The figure represented a hike from 2021 and 2022, when the number of North Korean defectors entering South Korea fell sharply to 63 and 67, respectively, due to pandemic-related border closures. It marked a dramatic decline from a record high of 2,914 in 2009, according to the unification ministry.

Among those who came to the South last year, more than half, or 99 people, were in their 20s and 30s, the ministry said.

The ministry said there has been a rise in the number of defections by North Korean diplomats, trade officials and students studying overseas, adding the number of such defectors in so-called elite grou
ps came to around 10.

A ministry official said the number was the highest since 2017, without providing further details, such as comparable figures.

North Korean diplomats stationed at the country’s overseas missions and officials engaged in trade affairs are believed to have chosen to flee their oppressive home country, as they are under pressure to send hard currency to the regime.

In November, North Korea’s foreign ministry said it is restructuring its overseas missions to boost diplomatic efficiency, which Seoul’s unification ministry assessed as being affected by the North’s faltering economy, worsened by the U.N. sanctions on its nuclear and missile programs.

Among the 196 defectors, around 70 percent came from the North’s provinces bordering China, and 25 people, or 12.8 percent, hailed from Pyongyang, the ministry said. It is far higher than 2.5 percent, the proportion of North Koreans coming from Pyongyang out of the total North Korean defectors arriving in the South.

In recent years, more North
Korean defectors picked aspirations for freedom as the No. 1 reason for their escape over food shortages, according to a separate survey by the Korea Hana Foundation, an agency affiliated with the ministry.

In 2023, nearly 23 percent of those surveyed said they chose to defect as they were disillusioned with the North’s regime, followed by 21.4 percent citing a food crisis.

South Korea has a longstanding policy of accepting any North Korean defectors who want to live in the South and repatriating any North Koreans who stray into the South if they want to return.

Source: Yonhap News Agency