
A Pair of Red-headed Vulture Appeared in Lumphat Wildlife Sanctuary

A pair of red-headed vulture was spotted in Srechrey village of Lumphat Wildlife Sanctuary, according to the NaturalLife Cambodia Organisation released yesterday.

‘Their presence has further inspired our conservation team to intensify our efforts to protect these majestic birds,’ it added.

According to the 2023 Vulture Census, Cambodia recorded a total of 132 vultures from three species: the white-rumped vulture, slender-billed vulture, and red-headed vulture. Among them, the red-headed vulture remains the most threatened, with only 14 individuals. Therefore, the sighting of two red-headed vultures is a significant and hopeful sign.

Red-headed vulture has been known as the king of vulture. It is a medium-sized vulture of 76 to 86 centimetres in length, weighing 3.5 to 6.3 kilogrammes and having a wingspan of about 1.99-2.6 metres. It has a prominent naked head: deep-red to orange in the adult, paler red in the juvenile. It has a black body with pale grey band at the base of the flight feathers.

This spec
ies of bird generally lives in open forest areas and eats dead animal. It has appeared in four provinces: Preah Vihear, Stung Treng, Mondulkiri and Rattanakiri.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse