
Anti-corruption office raids office of Marines commandant over alleged influence peddling

The anti-corruption investigation office has raided the office of Marine Corps Commandant Lt. Gen. Kim Kye-hwan over an alleged influence-peddling case related to the death of a young Marine last year, multiple sources said Thursday.

The Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials (CIO) searched Kim’s office at the Marine Corps headquarters in Hwaseong, some 40 kilometers south of Seoul, Wednesday to seize documents and files related to the case, according to the sources familiar with the matter.

In October, Col. Park Jung-hun, the Marines’ former top investigator, was indicted on charges of insubordination and defamation of his superior after he handed over the probe findings regarding the death of Cpl. Chae Su-geun to the civilian police in August despite then Defense Minister Lee Jong-sup’s order for him to wait for more legal deliberations.

Park has denied the allegations and called for a thorough probe into whether there was influence peddling behind the case.

Source: Yonhap News Agen