

ALOR SETAR, News of the plight of former Malaysian National News Agency (Bernama) stringer Zulkifli Ibrahim, 71, who is currently bedridden due to nerve system disorder, has reached the attention of the agency’s senior management, who paid him a visit yesterday.

Bernama chief executive officer Nur-ul Afida Kamaludin and Bernama editor-in-chief Arul Rajoo Durar Raj also presented aid from the Tabung Kasih@HAWANA during their visit to his home at Taman Sri Mengkudu here.

According to Zulkifli’s wife, Che Salmiah Ismail, her husband suffered a nerve system disorder around 15 years ago, but still could move around but gradually grew weak and has been bedridden for several years.

‘At first after the attack, he could still move, not long after that he started growing weak, he said his knees hurt, then we took him to hospital and they told us he had a nerve system disorder.

‘He has high blood pressure, but nothing else, I think he’s been bedridden for almost six years,’ she shared.

Che Salmiah said her husband
had served with the Langkawi Development Authority (LADA) and was now depending on her husband’s pension in addition to the zakat donations for their daily expenses.

‘Alhamdulillah he has a pension that can provide for his needs, to buy medicine, pampers and other things… I arrange it all for him… there’s only two of us here, one child is working in Johor,’ she said.

Che Salmiah also thanked the Bernama management for their concern, and for visiting her husband and presenting much needed assistance.

Zulkifli is the 58th recipient of Tabung Kasih@Hawana aid, and served as a Bernama stringer for around 15 years since the early 1990s.

Tabung Kasih@HAWANA was set up in conjunction with National Journalists Day (HAWANA) and aims to help journalists and media practitioners, including those still working along with retirees, those with ailments or in need of assistance.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency