

JASIN, The Budimas Charitable Foundation aims to establish 12 more children’s libraries across the country this year, especially in Orang Asli villages, to develop their interest in education.

Its chief executive officer Anne Rajasaikaran said through the Budimas Education Charity Fund (BECF) programme, Budimas has identified the gaps faced by some children, especially those living in rural areas who do not have the same access to education as kids in the city.

‘This effort is not only to ensure that they do not drop out on the wayside but we want to inculcate the interest in them so that they will diligently acquire knowledge and successfully continue their studies right up to the ivory tower.

‘Of course for every village that is selected, it must also be ensured that the area has many children so that the library will be fully utilised,” she said after the opening programme of the Budimas Children’s Library at Gapam Baru Orang Asli Village here today.

Earlier, the programme was officiated by the State
Higher Education and Religious Affairs Committee chairman Datuk Rahmad Mariman in the presence of Budimas Charitable Foundation chairman Tunku Datuk Yaacob Khyra.

Commenting further, Anne said that since its introduction in 2015, 12 children’s libraries have been built in Orang Asli villages, six in Selangor, Negeri Sembilan (three), Pahang (one) and Melaka (two) at a total cost of RM170,000 including facilities built for children to congregate.

Each is equipped with 4,000 books and reading materials for children and secondary school students.

‘For the Budimas Children’s Library in Kampung Gapam Baru, it has been identified to benefit 50 students aged five to 15 and will operate from Monday to Saturday from 2-7 pm.

‘This library was also built to be a place for them to gather, study and review their lessons as well as carry out activities related to education,’ she said.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency