

KUALA LUMPUR, The government is in the midst of formulating a new law to regulate the profession and practice of building surveyors and ensure good governance in the construction industry, said Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability, Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad.

Nik Nazmi said, at present, the proposed Building Surveyors Act is still in the discussion stage with industry players.

‘It is still in the discussion stage, particularly regarding its concept, scope, and so on because building surveyors exist, but there is no specific law governing them,’ he said after launching the 2024 International Congress of Surveyors here today.

The Congress was attended by approximately 200 construction industry players.

Elaborating, Nik Nazmi said given the current needs and situation, it is high time for the country to have such an Act.

‘If we look at many developed countries, they already have clear governance concerning building surveyors, so we are heading in that direction, and to have the best gover
nance, we need to have that Act,’ he said.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency