
Cambodia Anti-Doping Agency Established

Cambodia Anti-Doping Agency (CADA) was recently established in contribution to fighting against the consumption of illegal performance-enhancing drugs (PED) in sporting competitions.

CADA, formed by a sub-decree dated Mar. 15 and released to the public today, is under the management of a Board of Directors headed by the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports with two deputies and two members from different ministries.

According to the sub-decree, CADA consists of two specialised commissions: Commission of Doping Result Management and Penalty, and Commission of Therapeutic Use Exemptions.

The primary duties of CADA are to develop policies, strategic plans, action plans and relevant regulations related to anti-doping in sport; conduct research and compile anti-doping programmes in sport; conduct research on and disseminate prohibited substances and methods; monitor the implementation of International Convention against Doping in Sport and World Anti-Doping Code; and so on, it pointed out.

The organisation
and functioning of CADA will be determined by a Prakas of the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports, the source underlined.

CADA also has two offices – the Office of Administration, Planning, Education and Broadcasting, and the Office of Doping Control.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse