
Cambodia Asks Germany for More Investments

Cambodia has asked Germany to attract more German investors and visitors to Cambodia.

The request was made by H.E. Dr. Cheam Yeap, First Vice President of the National Assembly (NA) of Cambodia, during a meeting with visiting Ms. Martina-Stamm Fibich, Chairwoman of the Petitions Committee of the German Bundestag in Phnom Penh on Feb. 29.

H.E. Cheam Yeap briefed Ms. Martina-Stamm Fibich that the Cambodian NA has established the Cambodia-Germany Parliament Friendship Group to further promote bilateral diplomatic relations.

The two countries’ legislative bodies are actively exchanging experience and knowledge, he said.

He also underlined Cambodia’s complete peace, which is the foundation for human rights and multi-party liberal democracy, and the commitment of the 7th mandate government to continuing to promote peacekeeping and democracy in Cambodia.

Ms. Martina-Stamm Fibich supported the strengthening of friendship between the two nations and encouraged the Cambodia-Germany Parliament Friendship Group to
bring its achievements to a new height.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse