
Cambodia, Sri Lanka Satisfied with Good Bilateral Ties

Cambodia and Sri Lanka have expressed their satisfaction with their good relations and cooperation, and vowed to further foster them.

The commitment was made during a farewell meeting here on July 22 between Deputy Prime Minister H.E. SOK Chenda Sophea, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Cambodia, and H.E. Ms. Colonne Appuhamillage Chaminda Inoka Colonne, outgoing Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Sri Lanka to the Kingdom of Cambodia with residence in Bangkok.

On the occasion, both sides noted with deep satisfaction the good relations and cooperation between Cambodia and Sri Lanka, and exchanged views on enhancing trade, investment and tourism cooperation that are mutually beneficial interests between the two countries and peoples, said the Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in a news release this morning.

Meanwhile, the source added, both sides also agreed to continue strengthening cooperation at the regional and international level

H.E. SOK Chenda Sophea congratulated H.E. Ms. Colonne Appuhamillage Chaminda Inoka Colonne on the completion of her diplomatic tenure in the Kingdom, while H.E. Ambassador expressed sincere appreciation to the Royal Government of Cambodia, especially the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation for providing unwavering support throughout her mission in the Kingdom and pledged her continued contribution to the strengthening of relations and cooperation between the two countries even after the completion of her tour of duty.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse