

KUALA LUMPUR, China is willing to work closely with ASEAN countries to cope with security challenges and threats through dialogues, said Chinese Ambassador to Malaysia Ouyang Yujing.

Ouyang said China is willing to work with ASEAN nations to implement the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) and to speed up consultations on the Code of Conduct (CoC) to jointly maintain peace and stability.

‘We should strengthen cooperation in non-traditional security areas, such as combating telecommunication fraud and illegal online gambling,’ he said in his speech titled ‘Work Closely Together for a Shared Bright Future’ at the 37th Asia-Pacific Roundtable: Crisis in an Interregnum here Wednesday.

According to Ouyang, China will always gives priority to ASEAN in its neighbourhood diplomacy, unswervingly supports ASEAN centrality and a more united, independent and developed ASEAN, and ASEAN playing a bigger role in regional and international affairs.

The envoy said this year marks the 50
th anniversary of China and Malaysia establishing diplomatic ties, which is also ‘China-ASEAN Year of People-to-People Exchanges’ and ‘Year of China-Malaysia Friendship’.

At such a favourable time, China is willing to work with its ASEAN partners to strenghten people-to-people bond and by increasing exchanges in culture, media, education, tourism, youth and think tanks and in other fields, he added.

Ouyang said China has reached an important consensus with Malaysia and six other ASEAN countries on building a community with a shared future on a bilateral basis, enabling the construction of a ‘global community with a shared future for mankind’.

According to him, China will continue to provide development opportunities to both the region and the world.

China advocates for an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalisation, he added.

Ouyang said China is a major trading partner of more than 140 countries, whose economy achieved 5.2 per cent growth las
t year despite global economic downturn, contributing 30 per cent to world economic growth.

‘China will develop well only when the world develops well. In return, a better-developed China will bring about a more prosperous world.

‘China is willing and ready to work with ASEAN and other countries in the region to jointly address risks and challenges, and co-build this region into our shared home of peace, tranquility, prosperity, beauty and friendship,’ he added.

Hosted by Institute of Strategic and International Studies, a Malaysian think tank, the roundtable serves as a platform to address issues affecting the Asia-Pacific region.

With the theme ‘Crisis in an Interregnum’, the Asia-Pacific Roundtable reflects on the current state of geostrategic affairs.

The event regularly attracts over 300 thinkers from diverse backgrounds who engage in lively, frank, and constructive discussions on issues shaping the region’s security, stability, sustainability and prosperity.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency