
Conservationists Witness Explosion of Life Coral Spawning in Cambodia

Synchronised mass coral reef spawning has been observed for the first time in Cambodian waters, demonstrating that the coral remains healthy despite challenging conditions, said Fauna and Flora in a news release AKP received on Mar. 22.

According to the same source, the spawning event – which will help to inform future conservation efforts in this area – was observed during the first week of March by Fauna and Flora’s Cambodia team, alongside local partners.

Partners included Cambodia’s Fisheries Administration and Ministry of Environment, Song Saa Foundation, Bubbles Up! Dive Centre with advice from Dr. Rahul Mehrotra and Aow Thai Marine Ecology Centre.

Coral spawning – or coral reproduction – usually occurs once per year, when entire colonies of coral reefs release their eggs and sperm at the same time. The length of the release varies from just a few minutes to over an hour, depending on the genera of the coral.

Understanding when coral reproduction occurs is important for coral reef management as it
allows conservationists to effectively deploy restoration techniques and assess the health of hard coral communities. Significant mass spawning is an important sign of coral reef health, and this event shows that Cambodian coral reefs have not been severely affected by major stressors – such as climate change – that could prevent reproduction.

Coral reefs near the Cambodian coastline are characterised by high sedimentation and are subject to significant variations in temperature between the wet and dry seasons. Therefore, Cambodia’s coral reefs may act as important refugia for thermally tolerant coral genotypes that can seed coral reefs elsewhere in the Gulf of Thailand.

Matt Glue, Fauna and Flora’s Marine Technical Specialist in Cambodia, comments: ‘What a spectacular event to witness along our coastline. It was like an explosion of life as the reef released thousands of eggs – spreading as far as the eye could see.

‘Coral reefs provide a crucial habitat for marine life, as well as vital ecosystem service
s through tourism and fisheries that coastal communities in Cambodia rely on. It is therefore enormously reassuring to see the coral here remains healthy, and this sighting will help to improve our knowledge of coral reproduction in the Gulf of Thailand.’

Chantha Chroeng, a Marine Species and Ecosystems Officer at Fauna and Flora adds: ‘It is difficult to explain, but the mass spawning is like snow, except instead of falling it moves up slowly, slowly. It is a wonderful spectacle.’

Anne Groeneveld, Bubbles Up!, observes: ‘It was like diving in a Blue Planet documentary! To see something so rare and special is amazing.’

Sorn Srenh, Deputy Chief of Koh Sdach Commune, says: ‘Coral spawning is truly captivating, and it has left a lasting impact on my soul. When corals spawn, it is a sign that they are flourishing and that the environmental conditions are conducive to their survival and growth.’

Fauna and Flora is working with the Cambodian Fisheries Administration and Ministry of Environment and local NGOs to
protect marine and coastal ecosystems in this region. The work, which receives funding from Blue Action Fund and Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco, includes biodiversity research, such as the mapping of coral reef, seagrass, and mangrove habitats; marine protected area development; and the restoration of mangrove forests along the coastline.

Fauna and Flora and its partners are also engaging with local communities and other stakeholders along the Cambodian coastline to raise awareness of the value of marine resources and develop sustainable conservation methods and livelihood activities.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse