
DP floor leader demands police reveal party affiliation of Chairman Lee’s attacker

The floor leader of the main opposition Democratic Party (DP) demanded Thursday that police disclose the party affiliation of Chairman Lee Jae-myung’s attacker, citing media reports that the suspect was a longtime member of the ruling People Power Party (PPP).

Rep. Hong Ihk-pyo made the remarks a day after police announced their investigation results into the 67-year-old suspect who stabbed Democratic Party (DP) leader Lee in the neck on Jan. 2 during his visit to the southeastern port city of Busan.

The Busan Metropolitan Police Agency said the suspect stabbed Lee to prevent him from becoming president, but it decided not to disclose his party affiliation, citing a law that prohibits investigative organizations from disclosing information obtained during the investigation process.

The DP has demanded the disclosure of the suspect’s party affiliation, citing news reports saying that the attacker was a longtime member of the PPP but joined the DP recently to obtain information of Lee’s schedule.

A group o
f DP lawmakers made a protest visit to the Korean National Police Agency on Tuesday, demanding the police fully disclose all details of the assailant.

“The police investigation results on the political terror against Chairman Lee are unconvincing,” Hong said in a policy coordination meeting. “The police have yet to disclose related materials and details that everyone knows.”

Source: Yonhap News Agency