
Footballer Hwang Ui-jo indicted on illegal filming charges

Prosecutors indicted footballer Hwang Ui-jo without physical detention on charges of illegally filming his sexual encounters with two women, officials said Thursday.

The striker from the Turkish professional football club Alanyaspor was charged with filming the victims while having sexual intercourse with them on four occasions in 2022 without their consent.

The case emerged in June last year when he filed a complaint against a netizen who claimed to be his former girlfriend, shared intimate photos of the footballer with women on Instagram and blackmailed him.

In a following investigation, police identified the photo sharer as the wife of Hwang’s older brother and also booked Hwang for investigation on charges of illegally filming his sexual encounters with victims.

The Seoul Central District Prosecutors Office said Hwang has been indicted without physical detention after being questioned in person last month.

He also had been accused of inflicting secondary damage on one of the victims by publicly discl
osing her personal details, which could lead to her identity being revealed.

Prosecutors dropped the secondary damage charge, concluding the disclosed details were not enough to identify the victim.

Hwang’s sister-in-law was sentenced to three years in prison by an appellate court last month on charges of exposing the footballer’s private life and blackmail.

Source: Yonhap News Agency