
Gov’t recognizes late teacher’s suicide as death in line of duty

The government has recognized the death of a late elementary school teacher who took her own life after alleged repeated harassment by parents as a death in the line of duty, people with knowledge of the matter said Tuesday.

The bereaved family members of the deceased, a former teacher at Seoul Seoi Elementary School, informed a few acquaintances in the education community of the government’s decision that was delivered to them.

The teacher, a 23-year-old woman who was teaching first graders at the school in the affluent district in Seoul, died by suicide in a classroom in July last year.

While the police investigated the case, allegations surfaced that she was under immense stress due to the parents’ malicious complaints about school violence, a claim that the school has denied.

The police said they found no suspicions to bring charges.

Her death fueled nationwide teachers’ rallies calling for measures to better protect teachers’ rights and enhance their authority that they say has been undermined for

The government took steps to restore the teachers’ rights, and the National Assembly passed five legislation bills aimed at enhancing teachers’ authority at school, such as student discipline, and better defining the scope of parental interference.

Separately, the government also made the same decision on the tragic death of a female teacher who was fatally beaten by a man on her way to work in southwestern Seoul in August last year.

The assailant was convicted of attempted rape and murder, and is serving life in prison.

Source: Yonhap News Agency