
Gov’t renews call for doctors to avert collective action over med school quota hike

SEOUL, The health ministry on Wednesday renewed its call for trainee doctors and medical students to avert collective action in protest of a plan to boost seats at medical schools.

Doctors and the government have shown signs of heading for a collision course over last week’s decision to add 2,000 to the country’s medical school enrollment quota next year, a sharp rise from the current 3,058 seats.

“The government will improve the working environment of young doctors. We urge trainee doctors and medical students to focus their energy on training and studying,” Second Vice Health Minister Park Min-soo told reporters.

He also asked members of the Korean Medical Association, a major lobbying group, to refrain from initiating collective action.

Doctors, however, have not yet announced details of their future actions, as the health ministry issued stern warnings, cautioning that it will take decisive measures in response to any illegal activities, such as the revocation of licenses.

Earlier on Wednesday, the
Korean Nurses Association said it supports the government’s decision to increase the number of medical school freshmen while urging doctors to refrain from leaving hospitals in protest.

Source: Yonhap News Agency