
Hotline opens to protect medical students from peer bullying

SEOUL, The education ministry opened a hotline on Tuesday to protect medical students wanting to return to classes from peer bullying from other students boycotting classes in protest of the government’s increase of the medical school quota.

The move came amid reported cases of medical students unwillingly joining the ongoing collective action of boycotting or staying away from classes due to coercion or threats of future disadvantages by protesting students or student groups.

Nearly half of the country’s medical school students have filed for leave of absence, and classes have been boycotted at many medical schools nationwide as part of protest against the government’s decision to add 2,000 more medical school admission seats starting next year.

The hotline will gather reports from medical students hesitant to return to classes due to coercion or those who experienced related difficulties after returning to classes.

Reports can be filed through calls or text messages at 010-2042-6093 or 010-3632-6093 fr
om 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on weekdays or via email at by students themselves or acquaintances.

In response, the ministry plans to take protective measures, such as counseling, and for suspected cases of serious coercion or threats, it plans to request a police investigation, officials said.

The hotline will not necessarily require personal information of those who report to prevent their identities from being disclosed, officials noted.

Source: Yonhap News Agency