

A move to blacklist any quarters including companies, manufacturers, wholesalers, or retailers found collaborating to manipulate the price of regular sugar which is subsidised by the government.

Domestic Trade, and Cost of Living Minister, Datuk Seri Salahuddin Ayub said the government would not tolerate any parties taking advantage of the government’s efforts by taking stern actions in the interest of the people.

“To manufacturers, wholesalers or retailers who work attempt to play and connive on the price of sugar will face the music, they will be charged in court.

“Those involved will be blacklisted immediately, there will be no compromise for the sake of the people,” he said.

He was winding up a clarification session on the approval given to local sugar companies namely MSM Malaysia Holdings Berhad (MSM) and Central Sugars Refinery Sdn Bhd (CSR) to produce clear refined white sugar known as clear sugar for the retail market.

Besides, Salahuddin said the government also does not intend to float the price of sugar again, but if the economy recovers, the government is ready to examine the steps to float the price of the essential item.

Earlier when explaining the matter, Salahuddin said MSM and CSR were allowed to produce and market the new type of sugar at a retail sale price that is not controlled by the government or price floating according to the market.

“Taking into account the production costs of the local sugar industry, and the responsibility of the government as it is involved in giving subsidies, the Domestic Trade, and Cost of Living Ministry (KPDN) allows the production of clear sugar to be sold in the retail market in order to give consumers a choice,” he said.

In the session, five MPs stood up to seek further clarifications apart from expressing concern that the move to sell clear sugar would lead to more cases of price rationing and sugar hoarding.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency