
Investment Landscape Flourishes under 7th Mandate Government

The remarkable surge in investment activities in Cambodia during the first year of the 7th mandate Royal Government reflects a growing confidence among investors in the country’s economic stability and future prospects.

The Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) has reported a significant increase in the number and value of investment projects approved during this period. Those investments are in key sectors such as manufacturing, tourism, agriculture and real estate.

In the first eleven months, between August 2023 and July 2024, CDC registered 237 investment projects worth more than US$6 billion.

This positive trend is attributed to a combination of government policies that promote business development, infrastructure improvement, and a favourable investment climate, said Mr. Lim Heng, Vice-President of the Cambodia Chamber of Commerce.

“The government’s unwavering commitment to economic development and its efforts to create a conducive business environment have played a pivotal role in attractin
g investors,” he stressed. “With trade pacts bilaterally and multilaterally coupled with trade preference schemes, we are confident that Cambodia will continue to be a preferred destination for investment in the region.’

The Royal Government’s efforts to enhance the country’s investment climate have also been instrumental in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI).

These initiatives include the establishment of special economic zones, the simplification of administrative procedures, and the provision of incentives for investors.

With continued government support and a favourable business environment, Cambodia is well-positioned to achieve sustainable economic growth and development, Mr. Lim Heng added.

‘The first year of the 7th mandate government has been marked by a significant increase in investment activities in Cambodia. This positive trend reflects the country’s growing economic potential and the confidence that investors have in its future,’ he said.

Prime Minister Samdech Moha Borvor Thipadei
Hun Manet’s official overseas visits have been made not only to build diplomatic ties with foreign countries, but also to promote the country’s investment and business environment and to attract investment to Cambodia.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse