
Japan to Provide Yen Loan for Cambodia’s Regional Hospital Development

Japan will provide a concessional loan of JPY 21,104 million (around US$154 million) for regional hospital development in Cambodia.

The Exchange of Notes and accompanying documents will be signed here this afternoon between H.E. SOK Chanda Sophea, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and H.E. KOMURA Masahiro, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan.

‘The loan underscores Japan’s steadfast commitment to supporting the Royal Government of Cambodia’s endeavours to foster socio-economic development,’ read a press release of the Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation made public this morning.

It also contributes to reinforcing the long-lasting ties and close cooperation between the two countries which were upgraded to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership in 2023, underlined the same source.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse