
(LEAD) Police not to disclose identity of suspect in stabbing attack against opposition leader

Police decided Tuesday not to disclose the identity of the suspect in the stabbing attack on opposition leader Lee Jae-myung, after determining his case did not meet the legal conditions for disclosure, officials said.

The Busan Metropolitan Police Agency made the decision on the 67-year-old suspect during a meeting of its identity disclosure committee.

The suspect, known only by his family name Kim, was formally arrested Thursday on charges of attempted murder after stabbing Lee, the chairman of the Democratic Party (DP), in the neck with a camping knife in the southeastern port city of Busan two days earlier.

The current law permits the disclosure of the identity of suspects in violent crimes to meet public interest and people’s right to know when there is sufficient evidence backing the crime.

The seven-member disclosure committee voted against disclosing the suspect’s identity and other personal information, determining his case did not meet the conditions for disclosure, according to officials.

stabbing left Lee hospitalized after undergoing surgery to repair a major vein in his neck. He is scheduled to be discharged from the hospital Wednesday and will continue to receive treatment at home.

Police plan to refer the suspect to the prosecution Wednesday for further investigation and potential indictment.

Police officials also said they have released a man in his 70s who was detained on suspicion of aiding and abetting the suspect, after concluding that his involvement was minor.

Police had placed the man under emergency detention two days earlier on suspicion of assisting Kim in the crime, even though he was aware of the attack plan beforehand.

Ahead of the crime, Kim had written an “excuse letter” to explain the motive of his crime and his political beliefs, and the 70-something man agreed to send the letter on Kim’s behalf by mail to an unspecified location, according to police.

Police officials said the man was set free in consideration of his minor involvement in the crime, his old age and t
he absence of fears of him destroying evidence or fleeing.

Police believe the man was not directly involved in the stabbing attack.

Source: Yonhap News Agency