
Ministry of Education, Dubai Cares to Promote Education Cooperation

The Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports and Dubai Cares are committed to promoting cooperation in education.

The commitment was made in a meeting between H.E. Dr. Hang Chuon Naron, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education, Youth, and Sports, and Ms. Abeer Farah, Representative of Dubail Cares, in Phnom Penh on Sept. 19.

According to Ms. Abeer Farah, the on-going Dubai Cares supported projects in Cambodia focus on skills training in hospitality and chef, strengthening of financial stability, and assistance for the Academy of Culinary Arts Cambodia (ACAC).

H.E. Dr. Hang Chuon Naron spoke highly of Dubai Cares’ support, which is well in line with Cambodia’s development of the human resource development and education sector.

He supported Dubai Cares’ initiative to continue working with the ministry to promote the development of human resources toward achieving Cambodia’s visions 2030-2050.

The deputy prime minister informed his guest about the ministry’s priorities on strengthening the quality o
f education at all levels, from kindergarten to tertiary education, to meet the demands for job markets in the present and future.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse