
Ministry of Women’s Affairs Obtains 2024 ASEAN Care Economy Recognition Award

The Ministry of Women’s Affairs of the Kingdom of Cambodia has won the 2024 ASEAN Care Economy Recognition Award during the 3rd ASEAN Women Leaders’ Summit hosted by Lao PDR, as the ASEAN Chair 2024.

H.E. Mrs. Ing Kantha Phavi, Minister of Women’s Affairs, received the award in a ceremony held in Vientiane on Aug. 23.

According to the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, ASEAN Care Economy Recognition Award is given to ministries and public institutions of the ten ASEAN member countries that initiated, supported and promoted the implementation of care economy.

In this 7th-mandate Royal Government of Cambodia, the source pointed out, the Ministry of Women’s Affairs has initiated and coordinated the efforts to carry out the care economy both inside the country and at the regional level with an aim to contribute to the ecosystem improvement and create a conducive environment, as well as to promote cooperation and mobilise resources from all relevant partners to support and invest in the care economy, which is the ma
in task that will contribute to the socio-economy and welfare of the families as well as the nation as a whole.

In addition, it continued, the Royal Government of Cambodia is finalising the National Action Plan Framework on Care Economy, which focuses on four main pillars: 1). Care Infrastructure 2). Care-related social protection 3). Care Services and 4). Employment-related to care policies.

The Royal Government’s Pentagonal Strategy-Phase 1 continues to prioritise the promotion of gender equality and women’s empowerment by continuing to invest in empowering women in the fields of economy, education, health, social protection, and leadership in public and political sectors, etc. to take advantage of gender dividends and create a conducive environment for women to enjoy full rights, reduce vulnerabilities and enhance intergenerational relations.

The 1st ASEAN Women Leaders’ Summit took place in Vietnam in 2020 and the second in Cambodia in 2022, during which the ASEAN Declaration on ‘Building More Sustaina
ble, Inclusive and Resilient Future: Unlocking Women’s Entrepreneurship in ASEAN’ was adopted.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse