

PUTRAJAYA, The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), through the Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT), has been announced as a Full Signatory of the Seoul Accord at the Seoul Accord Annual General Meeting held in India recently.

This announcement underscores Malaysia’s capabilities and credibility in the field of information and communication technology on the global stage through the confirmation of its status as a full signatory.

In a statement today, MOSTI noted that the Seoul Accord recognition is expected to boost the confidence of investors, especially in the high-tech sector, to expand their operations in Malaysia as the local talent that is now recognised is on par and meets international standards.

‘In order to achieve this recognition, MBOT has worked hard for a period of five years starting in 2019 as a provisional signatory of the Seoul Accord until becoming a full signatory today. During the process, MBOT has been guided by the Australian Computer Society (ACS), which acts
as a mentor,’ it said.

The Seoul Accord is a multi-lateral agreement among bodies responsible for accrediting degree programmes of computing and information technology-related at the academic level.

At present, Australia, Canada, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and the United States are full signatory countries of the Seoul Accord.

MOSTI said the process to obtain recognition as a full signatory involved various evaluation sessions, including audit visits to Universiti Teknologi MARA Shah Alam for the Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) programme and Multimedia University for the Bachelor of Computer Science (Hons) and Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons) programmes in Information Systems.

‘MBOT has received positive feedback from the evaluation panel, especially regarding the equivalence of MBOT’s accreditation standards with the Seoul Accord. The panels involved were from the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET), the Institute of Engineering Educ
ation Taiwan (IEET), and the British Computer Society (BCS),’ it said.

Through its status as a Full Signatory of the Seoul Accord, degree programmes, especially in three fields accredited by MBOT, namely Information and Communication Technology, Cyber Security Technology, and Creative Art and Multimedia Technology, are equivalent to the international standards set by the Seoul Accord.

Therefore, for local graduates to achieve international recognition, all public and private higher education institutions offering bachelor’s degree programmes in this field must obtain accreditation from MBOT.

‘At the same time, it will improve the prospects and careers of graduates globally,’ it added.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency