

Mara Junior Science College (MRSM) Kota Kinabalu is now known as MRSM Tan Sri Musa Aman, in recognition of the services of the former Sabah chief minister, said Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

He said that Musa, as the Sabah chief minister, had contributed a lot to the state. In fact, Musa was one of the important individuals in the efforts to establish MRSM Kota Kinabalu 21 years ago.

In this regard, Ahmad Zahid, who is also the Minister of Rural and Regional Development, reminded the current generation to always remember and respect the efforts of previous generations in providing the comfort they presently enjoyed, which is a commendable attitude and culture of the community in this country.

“Although he (Musa) is no longer the chief minister, as his friend I must recognise him as the former chief minister, so I would like to announce that MRSM Kota Kinabalu will now be known as MRSM Tan Sri Musa Aman.

He said this while speaking at a get-together at MRSM Tan Sri Musa Aman, which was also attended by MARA chairman, Datuk Dr Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki.

Musa, who is also a former Sungai Sibuga assemblyman, was Sabah’s 14th Chief Minister, who served between March 27, 2003, and May 11, 2018.

Meanwhile, in a press conference after the event, Ahmad Zahid said that various measures had been planned to meet the high demand for admission to MRSM; recently 90,000 admission applications were received, compared with the intake of only 9,200 students.

He said that one of the measures was the establishment of three more MRSM, which had been approved but had to be postponed for now due to certain constraints, and the matter would be revisited in next year’s national budget.

“We will request that the three more MRSM be built, so that later we will have a total of 58 MRSM (from the existing 55 MRSM nationwide) and to meet demand which exceeds supply,” he said.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency