

Muslims are reminded to observe decorum and refrain from engaging in activities forbidden by Islam when visiting graveyards, said Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) Datuk Dr Mohd Na’im Mokhtar.

He said although visiting graves is “harus” (permissible) as the purpose in Islam is to reflect and remind us of death, there are rules that must be adhered to by Muslims in order to prevent us from doing things that could raise concerns among the public and lead to slander

Visiting graves is similar to visiting the sick, and the proper etiquette must be followed. For example, when visiting a grave, it is encouraged to recite supplications and give salam (greet) to the deceased.

“This is part of the true teachings of Islam,” he told reporters after officiating the closing ceremony of the 8th national-level Al-Quran and Fardu Ain (KAFA) Class Ihtifal here today.

He said this in response to a viral video showing a group of men chanting praises to Allah or “zikir” in a loud voice while encircling a grave believed to be in an east coast state, which sparked concerns among the public.

In this regard, Mohd Na’im said as the party responsible for all matters relating to the religion of Islam, the state mufti involved, must determine from an Islamic legal standpoint the practise performed at the grave.

In the meantime, he said the ministry was considering making the KAFA teacher’s allowance a fixed salary in order to protect their welfare, but the decision on the matter would depend on the country’s financial position.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency