
N.K leader visits newly built ruling party training school

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has visited a newly built school for the country’s ruling party officials, lauding it as a “perfect” facility to ensure the North’s political principles, state media reported Thursday.

Kim’s visit to the Central Cadres Training School of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) in Pyongyang took place the previous day, according to the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA). The visit came less than two months after he inspected its construction on March 30.

Kim said the school is “a perfect educational facility firmly ensuring the political principles, modernity and practicality,” the KCNA said in an English-language dispatch.

Kim also expressed hopes for the school to remain faithful to its mission to train “core Kimilsungist-Kimjoingilsts” and contribute to developing the ruling party and its “eternal prosperity,” it said.

Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is an ideology based on the ideas and principles of the North’s national founder Kim Il-sung and his son and successor Kim Jong-il — th
e father of Kim Jong-un.

The training school, which traces its roots back to the Central Party School established in 1946, is the highest educational facility to train WPK officials.

The school has been renamed over the years, and its current name appeared after the establishment was criticized for bureaucratism and corruption at a party politburo meeting in 2020.

The construction of its new campus began in April last year, in apparent reflection of the North prioritizing the education of future party officials as it seeks to tighten social discipline against the inflow of outside information amid economic difficulties.

Source: Yonhap News Agency