
N. Korea’s Kim inspects 1st lecture at newly built ruling party training school

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un inspected the first lecture held at a newly built school for the country’s ruling party officials, state media reported Sunday.

The visit to the opening ceremony of the Central Cadres Training School of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) in Pyongyang took place Saturday, according to the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA). The visit follows visits on May 15 and May 22. He also inspected its construction on March 30.

While inspecting the lecture, Kim said, “The school should make all the educational processes and everyday life a good lecture helping the students steadily get ideological and moral pabulum necessary for Party work and revolutionary work and possess communist traits,” according to the KCNA’s English dispatch.

The training school, which traces its roots back to the Central Party School established in 1946, is the highest educational facility to train WPK officials.

“Talented party cadres capable of leading the development of all fields of politics, military, the
economy and culture and of all regions constitute the most valuable and decisive resources for a ruling party, and their role grows more important the more the revolution and construction advance,” Kim said.

Other members of the WPK, such as Premier Kim Tok-hun and Jo Yong-won, secretary for organizational affairs, also attended the training course under “the Party’s policy on in-service retraining,” according to the KCNA. Kim also inspected the retraining lecture as well.

The construction of its new campus began in April last year, reflecting North Korea’s priority on educating future party officials as it seeks to tighten social discipline against the inflow of outside information amid economic difficulties.

Source: Yonhap News Agency