
Naver to unveil world’s 1st web platform-based robot OS

SEOUL, South Korean tech giant Naver Corp. said Tuesday it will unveil a web platform-based robot operating system (OS) for the first time in the world at a global IT conference.

Naver is joining LEAP 2024, running from Monday to Thursday (local time) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, along with Google, Apple Inc., Meta Platforms Inc., AWS Inc. and other global big techs.

During the event, the Korean company will present the “ARC mind powered by Whale OS,” the world’s first web platform-based robot OS, to help robotics developers worldwide create various robot services, according to its officials.

The ARC mind will support connection of existing applications with robot services and include a web application programming interface for the control, cognition and movement of robots.

Naver said it plans to first apply the ARC mind, which is faster and lighter than original robot OSs, on its robots and later create an open ecosystem.

The company will also unveil a next-generation robot platform co-developed with Samsun
g Electronics Co. during the event.

The two companies have jointly developed a robotics edge computing platform by converging Naver’s OS and software solutions and Samsung’s semiconductor solutions, including system on chip and image sensors.

Source: Yonhap News Agency