
OIF Secretary-General Supports Cambodia’s Candidacy as Host of Francophonie Summit in 2026Top headlines in major S. Korean newspapers

H.E. Ms. Louise Mushikiwabo, Secretary General of the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), has voiced her support to Cambodia’s candidacy as the host of the Francophonie Summit in 2026.

The OIF secretary-general affirmed her support while paying a courtesy call on Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Moha Borvor Thipadei Hun Manet in Paris, France on Jan. 15.

H.E. Ms. Louise Mushikiwabo called on Cambodia to continue to share Cambodia’s experience in maintaining peace and stability with French-speaking countries in Africa and other continents, as well as with non-French-speaking countries, in boosting the economic and tourism sectors, and in maintaining the culture of using French language with other countries around the world.

For his part, Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet expressed Cambodia’s pride to have preserved the heritage as well as the culture of using French and to have good relations and cooperation with French-speaking countries.

Among the members of Council of Ministers of the 7th-ma
ndate Royal Government of Cambodia, he pointed out, about 40 percent can speak French, which shows that Cambodia continues to be actively involved in maintaining and speaking French, both in general administration and relations with some other countries in the world.

The Francophonie Summit is the highest authority in the Francophonie. It is held every two years and gathers the heads of State/Governments of all member states.

Currently, the International Organisation of La Francophonie comprises 88 member states and governments (54 full members, 7 associate members and 27 observer members).

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse

SEOUL, The following are the top headlines in major South Korean newspapers on Jan. 15.

Korean-language dailies

— Pro-U.S. Taiwan administration clinches ‘half-victory’ (Kyunghyang Shinmun)

— Taiwan chooses democracy over ethnic ties (Kookmin Daily)

— Birth rate rises from 0.6 to 1.97 after 9 years in ‘miracle’ at Japanese firm (Donga Ilbo)

— Taiwan chooses U.S.; all eyes on Chinese aircraft carrier (Seoul Shinmun)

— Rules for general elections undecided amid struggle between rival parties (Segye Times)

— DMZ guard post inspection took place superficially by trusting North Korea (Chosun Ilbo)

— Taiwan chooses pro-U.S. president, but Lai Ching-te faces tough road ahead (JoongAng Ilbo)

— Taiwan again goes for ‘anti-China’ (Hankyoreh)

— Taiwan chooses anti-China, increasing risk of U.S.-China clash (Hankook Ilbo)

— Taiwan chooses U.S.; heavy seas grow fierce in the strait (Maeil Business Newspaper)

— ‘Merged OCI and Hanmi will become Bayer of S. Korea’: OCI Group chairman (Korea Economic

English-language dailies

— North Korea conducts first ballistic missile test of year (Korea Herald)

— Taiwan’s president-elect vows to defend island (Korea Times)

— Electricity rate freeze continues (Korea JoongAng Daily)

Source: Yonhap News Agency