
Outgoing FM Park highlights alliance with U.S. in phone talks with Blinken

Outgoing Foreign Minister Park Jin highlighted the alliance with the United States that has further strengthened over the past months in phone talks with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday, Park’s office said.

Park said the South Korea-U.S. alliance will play a “greater role” at a time of a “polycrisis,” expressing expectation that Blinken will also work closely with his new South Korean counterpart to develop the strategic bilateral alliance even further, his office said.

Blinken expressed appreciation for Park’s efforts and leadership during his term in office, according to Park’s office.

During the phone talks, Park and Blinken also shared assessments on the latest development in the suspected arms transactions between North Korea and Russia.

They expressed concern over the military cooperation between Pyongyang and Moscow, as well as the North’s continued nuclear and missile development, stressing all U.N. members should abide by the U.N. Security Council resolutions against North Korea

The phone call took place at the request of Blinken, Park’s office said. Park is set to leave office later this month following a Cabinet reshuffle.

President Yoon Suk Yeol tapped Cho Tae-yul, former ambassador to the United Nations, as his pick for the new foreign minister.

Source: Yonhap News Agency