
Paving the Way for a Mine-Free in the World

In a significant stride towards global peace and humanitarian progress, Cambodia is set to host the Siem Reap-Angkor Summit on a Mine-Free World from Nov. 25 to 29, 2024.

This international gathering is poised to be a pivotal moment in the ongoing efforts to eradicate landmines, fostering a world where communities can thrive without the looming threat of these silent killers.

The choice of Siem Reap-Angkor which is a tourism hub and a former land with traces of war as the summit’s venue holds poignant and important symbolism.

Cambodia, scarred by the tragic legacy of landmines from decades of conflict, now stands at the forefront of the global movement to eliminate this pervasive threat.

The summit will not only serve as a platform for global collaboration but also as a testament to Cambodia’s resilience and commitment to creating a safer future for its people and the world.

Landmines continue to wreak havoc in various parts of the globe, causing immeasurable suffering to civilians and hindering social
and economic development.

The Siem Reap-Angkor Summit will represent a collective effort to address this pressing issue head-on, bringing together leaders, activists, and experts from around the world to share insights, best practices, and innovative solutions.

At the heart of the summit’s agenda is the goal of fostering international cooperation to accelerate mine clearance efforts and support affected communities in their recovery.

The attendees will deliberate on strategies to increase funding for demining projects, enhance technological advancements in mine detection and removal, and strengthen support systems for survivors.

Furthermore, the summit aims to raise awareness about the humanitarian impact of landmines, inspiring global citizens to join the fight for a mine-free world.

Education and advocacy will play a crucial role in mobilising resources and political will to tackle this issue comprehensively.

Cambodia’s hosting of the Siem Reap-Angkor Summit is a testament to the nation’s transformati
on from a landmine-affected country to a leader in demining efforts.

The Cambodian government’s commitment to this cause, alongside the resilience of its people, serves as an inspiration for nations still grappling with the aftermath of conflict.

The summit also provides an opportunity for countries with experience in successful demining initiatives to share their expertise and resources with those facing greater challenges.

Collaborative efforts between nations will be key in creating a ripple effect that leads to a more secure and prosperous world for all.

As the Siem Reap-Angkor Summit approaches, the global community eagerly anticipates the outcomes that will emerge from this historic gathering.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse