

GEORGE TOWN, The Penang Regional Development Authority (PERDA) is committed to narrowing the academic achievement gap, especially in the subjects of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), as well as English, between students in urban and rural areas.

Its chairman Datuk Dr. Shaik Hussein Mydin said PERDA is dedicated to providing opportunities and access to STEM education for students in rural areas through the “Mighty STEM 2024″ programme.

‘We will continue this programme for the current year and ensure that more benefits are extended across Penang.

‘We hope that students in rural areas and those from the B40 group will be exposed to the importance of STEM to better prepare them for the industrial sector in the state,” he told reporters after the Year 2023 Appreciation Ceremony and the launch of the Mighty STEM 2024 Programme here today.

He said one of the initiatives under the programme is providing free tuition classes to students organised by PERDA.

Shaik Hussein noted that industri
al development in Penang is becoming increasingly robust, establishing the state as one of the country’s most significant industrial hubs.

Meanwhile, PERDA general manager Mohd Asri Baharum said the sponsorship of this educational programme began in 2006 and continues to this day through the Academic Excellence Programme (PDCA), in collaboration with other sponsors such as the Penang Bumiputera Participation Coordination Division, Penang Zakat, with the support of the Penang State Education Department.

This year, PERDA has allocated RM1 million to continue academic enhancement and STEM education programmes for B40 students in rural areas.

‘In 2023, PERDA was allocated RM1.12 million by the Rural and Regional Development Ministry to implement academic enhancement programmes and promote STEM education in 71 primary and secondary schools.

‘Overall, in 2023, the participating schools were engaged in 40 series of programmes, benefiting a total of 2,761 primary school pupils and 2,901 secondary school students,
” he added.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency