
Police tracking down distributor of fake image of opposition leader in prison uniform

Police are tracking down the distributor of copies of a fabricated image depicting opposition leader Lee Jae-myung in a prison uniform after they were found in Seoul, officials said Monday.

The Hyehwa Police Station in central Seoul announced that an investigation was launched following a report that an image of Lee, the chair of the Democratic Party (DP), wearing prison attire and seated inside a cell, was discovered at a commercial-residential building in Seoul’s Jongno district the previous day.

A camp official of Kwak Sang-eon, a DP candidate running for the parliamentary seat in Jongno, reportedly filed the police report after a citizen picked up a copy of the fabricated image and brought it to Kwak’s office.

Police collected two copies of the image and additional witness testimonies.

Police were looking into CCTV footage and screening fingerprints left on the copies to identify the distributor.

Source: Yonhap News Agency