
Preah Dak Community Connects Tourists to Cambodian Culture

Preah Dak village in Siem Reap province, home to the famous Angkor temples, is one of the best places for tourists to experience the real Cambodian life in the countryside.

‘The Preah Dak community is a village near Siem Reap (provincial city), Cambodia, known for offering unique cultural and agricultural experiences to visitors,’ said the Ministry of Tourism.

In the Preah Dak community, the tourists can enjoy four key activities, including:

1. Traditional Handicrafts:

– Rice Noodles: Visitors can learn about and participate in the traditional process of making Khmer rice noodles (Nom Banh Chok), a staple in Cambodian cuisine.

– Palm Sugar: The community is also known for producing palm sugar. Visitors can see the process of extracting and boiling palm sap to make this sweet product.

– Weaving and Pottery: Traditional weaving and pottery are other handicrafts showcased in the village, providing insights into local craftsmanship.

2. Agricultural Practices:

– Organic Farming: The community engages in o
rganic farming practices. Tourists can participate in farming activities, such as planting and harvesting crops, and learn about sustainable agriculture.

– Home Gardens: Many families maintain home gardens where they grow vegetables and herbs. Visitors can explore these gardens and understand the importance of self-sufficiency in rural Cambodian life.

3. Culinary Experiences:

– Cooking Classes: Visitors can join cooking classes where they learn to prepare traditional Cambodian dishes using locally sourced ingredients.

– Local Cuisine: Tasting local food, including specialties like Amok (a type of curry) and Lok Lak (stir-fried beef), is a highlight of the visit.

4. Community Interaction:

– Homestays: Some families offer homestay experiences, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the daily life of the community.

– Cultural Performances: Traditional dance and music performances are sometimes organised, giving a glimpse into Khmer cultural heritage.

By participating in these experiences, tourists co
ntribute to the local economy and support community development, underlined the tourism ministry, adding that they also help preserve traditional skills and knowledge, ensuring they are passed down to future generations.

‘These experiences offer a meaningful way to connect with Cambodian culture and support sustainable tourism practices,’ said the ministry.

Preah Dak is located about 15 kilometres from Siem Reap provincial city, making it easily accessible for a day trip from the city. Many tour operators in Siem Reap offer guided tours to the Preah Dak community, providing transport and an organised itinerary.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse