
Presidential office establishes position of 3rd deputy nat’l security adviser

The presidential office said Tuesday it has established a new position of third deputy national security adviser to oversee economic security issues.

Currently, the presidential National Security Office is headed by National Security Adviser Chang Ho-jin, who is assisted by two deputies — Principal Deputy National Security Adviser Kim Tae-hyo, responsible for national security issues, and second deputy adviser In Seong-hwan, responsible for national defense.

Under the reorganization, which will take effect Thursday, the third deputy adviser will be tasked with overseeing economic security, science and technology, and emerging security issues, including cyber security, the presidential office said in a press release.

Wang Yun-jong, the current presidential secretary for economic security, has reportedly been named to the job.

“At a time when supply chain disruptions are a constant occurrence, and the competition to secure a super-lead in critical and emerging technologies is more intense than ever, estab
lishing superiority in economic security, and science and technology sways not only the economy but also national security,” the office said.

“A strengthening of economic security, science and technology, and cyber security is expected to contribute to enhancing the competitiveness of our businesses and stabilizing the people’s livelihoods.”

Source: Yonhap News Agency