
Presidential office to launch task forces for price control, strategic industries

The presidential office said Thursday it will launch two task forces to handle price control measures and support for national strategic industries, such as semiconductors and autos.

Sung Tae-yoon, director of national policy at the presidential office, unveiled the plan during a press briefing, saying the aim is to maintain economic growth momentum by drawing on the resources of all ministries and local governments, not simply those of economy-related ministries.

“By activating a national support system involving all ministries, beyond the economy-related ministries, we will provide utmost support to core industries while stabilizing prices affecting people’s livelihoods,” he said.

The task force for national strategic industries will provide organic support from across ministries to sectors with the biggest impact on the national economy, including the semiconductor, auto and shipbuilding industries.

The three industries together account for 23.5 percent of all manufacturing output and 16 percent of job
s, while their share of the country’s total exports has also increased, Sung noted.

Meanwhile, the task force for price control will be charged with discussing and implementing structural measures to stabilize the prices of goods with large price variability, such as farm products and seafood.

Both task forces will be led by Sung.

Source: Yonhap News Agency