
Prosecutors raid Presidential Archives over 2018 Ulsan mayoral election scandal

Prosecutors raided the Presidential Archives on Thursday as part of a reinvestigation into the election meddling scandal surrounding the 2018 mayoral election in the southeastern city of Ulsan.

The scandal centers on allegations that Song Cheol-ho, a longtime friend of former President Moon Jae-in, conspired with then Ulsan police chief Hwang Un-ha and other presidential aides to open an investigation into suspicions involving aides of then Ulsan Mayor Kim Gi-hyeon ahead of the 2018 mayoral election.

Song ultimately beat Kim of the People Power Party in the election and served as Ulsan mayor from 2018-22. In November last year, a district court found both Song and Hwang guilty, and sentenced them to a three-year prison term.

Prosecutors and investigators from the Seoul Central District Prosecutors Office searched the archives in the central administrative city of Sejong to view the Moon administration’s documents related to the Ulsan election.

The reinvestigation came after the Seoul High Prosecutors Offi
ce ordered the reinvestigation in January, saying an additional probe into former presidential chief of staff Im Jong-seok and former senior presidential secretary for civil affairs Cho Kuk is necessary to verify their suspected involvement in the scandal.

Source: Yonhap News Agency