

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s commitment to ensure that Islam continues to be upheld as the religion of the Federation needs to include efforts to clean the image of the religion from the political lens.

Head of the Turath al-Mustanir Academy of Thought, Du`at Falah, Ahmad Faiz Mohd Khalil said the step is one of the main things that must be done to see Islam not only held in high esteem but also respected by other religions.

He said it was due to the sanctity of Islam in this country had long been entwined with improper partisan political activities which resulted in division among the community, as well as tarnishing the image of the religion.

“Therefore, in our efforts, the main thing is that we need to raise the image of Islam to other communities in this country, to correct wrong perceptions and show the image of an ideal religion; Islam that is free from any parties with a vested interest,” he told Bernama.

On Saturday (Aug 19), Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim expressed his commitment to ensuring that Islam continues to be upheld as the religion of the Federation, besides providing sufficient allocation for the organisation of Islamic knowledge programmes. He also gave assurance that every non-Muslim citizen’s rights would be preserved and they would always be treated with respect and have a comfortable life.

Ahmad Faiz added that said the essence of politics in Islam focuses on administration that can safeguard the welfare and well-being of the people and the country.

He said it included the need to appoint Muslim leaders with integrity and competence, apart from developing a national policy that celebrates all levels of society regardless of race, religion or social status.

“What is happening now is that there are those who play politics with the concept of Machiavelli, to subjugate the opponent with whatever tricks available to the extent that they ignore moral values and even make their party and group the absolute owners of Islam.

“Then labeling other people with vile words, is an example of politics that we must separate from religion; some groups do such an act and then wrap it in a religious package which will damage the image of Islam as a holy and perfect religion of Allah,” he said.

Ahmad Faiz said that Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s statement to uphold Islam is also clear evidence to refute claims of a few parties that the position of Islam as the religion of the Federation is threatened under the leadership of the Unity Government.

“It is also a signal to prove that there is no interference from outside parties in the federal government’s administration, especially involving Islamic religious affairs,” he said.

At the same time, Ahmad Faiz hoped the prime minister could intensify efforts and initiatives to bring prominent foreign religious scholars to Malaysia for discussions with scholars in this country.

Meanwhile, a religious expert from the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Dr Abu Hafiz Salleh Hudin, proposed that the Unity Government focus on purifying the understanding of Islam and countering extremist beliefs, in an effort to uphold the religion and ensure the well-being of non-Muslims.

The senior lecturer in the Department of Qur’an and Sunnah Studies, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences said the government should reject extremism, whether among religious figures, leaders or ordinary citizens.

Asked whether the existing Syariah crime-related laws need improvement to uphold the status of Islam, Abu Hafiz said that the Syariah Court system, including the expertise of judges, prosecution and crime investigation needs to be strengthened first.

“Increasing Syariah crime penalties will fail to achieve its objective if judicial technicalities in the Syariah Court are not given prior attention or are not on a par with the Civil Court,” he said.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency