
Ruling party chief opposes idea of S. Korea’s own nuclear armament

SEOUL, South Korea’s ruling party chief on Wednesday opposed the idea of the country acquiring its own nuclear weapons in response to North Korea’s growing arsenal, saying the potential losses outweigh the benefits.

Han Dong-hoon, who heads the People Power Party’s emergency leadership committee, made the remarks during a debate forum hosted by the Kwanhun Club, an association of senior journalists, in Seoul.

“We are not at a stage where we can officially state that we should possess nukes,” Han said.

The idea of South Korea possessing its own nuclear armament has gained traction in recent years, with some public polls indicating that a majority of people, over 60 percent in some cases, have voiced the need for Seoul to independently develop nuclear capabilities.

While acknowledging the allure of this theory, Han expressed concerns by citing other geopolitical factors and the importance of cooperation with other countries.

Han also reiterated the stance that North Korea is not a nuclear power, stating t
hat acknowledging it as such would constitute a violation of nonproliferation obligations under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Regarding North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s recent barrage of hostile remarks against South Korea, Han acknowledged that Kim would need to reaffirm his presence.

Additionally, Han expressed support for the current administration’s hard-line stance against North Korea regarding Pyongyang’s nuclear and missile programs.

Source: Yonhap News Agency