
Ruling party picks 6-term lawmaker Joo Ho-young as deputy assembly speaker candidate

The ruling People Power Party (PPP) on Thursday held a general meeting of its lawmakers and selected Rep. Joo Ho-young as a deputy National Assembly speaker candidate.

The nomination of the six-term lawmaker comes after the PPP on Monday ended its weekslong boycott of all parliamentary proceedings held in protest of the main opposition Democratic Party (DP)’s unilateral allocation of committee chairs.

“We will do our best to prevent the unilateral decisions and actions by the speaker and deputy speaker of the DP,” Joo said.

Joo will serve as deputy assembly speaker for the first half of the current Assembly term if his appointment motion passes through a plenary session vote.

The PPP also selected the candidates for seven parliamentary committee chiefs.

Earlier this month, the DP unilaterally selected 11 parliamentary committee chiefs, including three key committees, and proposed that the PPP chair the seven remaining committees.

The parliament appoints two deputy speakers each from the ruling and main
opposition parties.

Source: Yonhap News Agency