
S. Korean nuke envoy urges Thailand’s cooperation in N.K. issue

SEOUL, South Korea’s deputy nuclear envoy Lee Joon-il met with Thai officials earlier this week and called for Bangkok’s support in dealing with the North Korean nuclear issue, the foreign ministry said Wednesday.

On Tuesday, Lee met separately with Bolbongse Vangphaen, deputy director-general of ASEAN affairs at Thailand’s foreign ministry, and Luejit Tinpanga, director of international security at the National Security Council, according to the ministry.

During the meetings, Lee explained the North’s recent escalation of tensions on the Korean Peninsula, including its labeling of the South as a “principal enemy,” and noted the importance of joint international efforts to deter Pyongyang’s nuclear and missile development.

He urged Thailand and other ASEAN members, in particular, to join such efforts, stressing the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) is the only regional multilateral security forum that North Korea attends.

The two sides also agreed to boost cooperation against North Korea’s cyberthreats and in b
locking illegal North Korean workers in the information technology sector known to be generating revenue for use in its weapons program.

ASEAN comprises Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand, Singapore and Vietnam.

Source: Yonhap News Agency