
Samdech Techo HUN Sen: Aug. 22 Marks One-Year Period of Successful 7th-Manddate RGC

‘Today, Aug. 22, 2024, marks one-year anniversary of the new generation, taking the wheel of Cambodia’s navigation and with the departure of the U.90, U.80, and U.70, referred to those whose ages are over 80, over 70 and near 70.’

The remark was made by Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo HUN Sen, President of Senate, who had served as Prime Minister of Cambodia for almost four last decades, on his official Telegram channel released this noon.

For Samdech Techo HUN Sen, it has remained true that ‘jump into the water if you want to learn how to swim,’ whereas the proverb ‘the young can walk faster, but the elder knows the road’ seems no longer fit with the current situation, and shall be changed to ‘the young can walk faster and know the road and the elder has experience’.

Samdech Techo HUN Sen further expressed his appreciation for the 7th-mandate Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) under the wise leadership of Prime Minister Samdech Moha Borvor Thipadei HUN Manet, with four key points to note:

‘1. Maintai
ned peace, political stability, security, and social order; 2. Maintained macroeconomic stability, preventing inflation and strong purchasing power of the Riel currency; 3. Ensured continued economic growth despite challenges in the regional and global economy; and 4. Secured national income, especially maintaining cash flow in the National Treasury to cover current expense despite increased demands such as increased payrolls for civil servants and armed forces and giving out cash to support citizens,’ said the senate president, sharing his own experience that ‘cash for payroll and other essential expenses is crucial for any government.’

Samdech Techo HUN Sen underlined that other senior leaders and he have left the new generation (the 7th-Term RGC) with sufficient cash to cover for many months and the new government does not dissave; they strive to mobilise incomes to meet increasing expenses while keeping the treasury’s cash reserves intact.

‘I have passed on the responsibility in the executive field foll
owing 44 years of my leadership, including over 38 years as prime minister, and now it’s time for me to take care of my health at the age of 72. Today’s tasks are about 50 percent compared to tasks during my prime ministership,’ he said.

The Cambodian statesman also sent a message to the opposition group, saying that it is time to change the old saying of ‘the young can walk faster but the elder knows the road’ because some elderly people like the extremist opposition leaders always led youth astray.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse