
Samdech Techo Hun Sen Confirms Right Decision to Transfer of Power to Younger Generation

Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, President of Supreme Privy Council to His Majesty the King, has underlined his right decision to transfer the power to the younger generation.

“For the first time in more than 44 years, especially for over 38 years that I am not attending and chairing the cabinet meeting,” he wrote on his social media networks this morning.

“I am watching live broadcast on the cabinet meeting chaired by the new prime minister. Looking at the composition of the new cabinet who are young intellectuals, I determine that the transfer of senior leadership to young leadership is the right decision,” he stressed.

Samdech Techo Hun Sen also wished the new cabinet success in performing duties for the nation, religion, and king.

The draft law on the revision of the name “Ministry of National Assembly-Senate Relations and Inspection” to “Ministry of Inspection”, the draft law on the establishment of the “State Secretariat for Border Affairs”, and the Prime Minister’s instructions on the working system and cabinet functioning are on the agenda of the first cabinet plenary session today.

The new cabinet members include 10 deputy prime ministers, 21 senior ministers, and 30 ministers.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse