
Seoul city to create 1,000 gardens by 2026

The Seoul city government on Thursday unveiled plans to create about 1,000 gardens across the city by 2026 to provide citizens with more green spaces in an effort to help reduce their stress.

The initiative, named the “Attractive garden, companion garden project,” came as Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon announced a plan last year to create various parks and gardens to create a green belt that connects the city and to counter climate change.

The project will create 300 “attractive gardens” each year, with the goal of establishing 897 gardens by 2026, as well as some 100 “companion gardens” targeting the socially vulnerable class, the city government said. It plans to invest 265.9 billion won (US$200 million) in the project.

City officials said, citing a research finding, that admiring a garden reduces anxiety levels by 20 percent compared with a city view and spending time in a garden at least once a week reduces suffering from stress by 60 percent.

Small gardens will be set up in 167 locations near residential are
as so that citizens can feel the change of season, and 279 gardens will be installed in downtown spots, including near roadsides, rooftops of buildings and overpasses.

Other 451 gardens will be newly added at major parks in the city.

The project also involves forming some 100 “companion gardens” dedicated for use by children, seniors and the disabled.

The city will begin by establishing a garden at a senior welfare center during the first half of the year, then go on to set up more at city-run hospitals and senior welfare centers.

To boost public interest and participation in the new project, the city plans to come up with various cultural and tourism programs to fit each characteristic of the gardens.

The future vision of the project is to be showcased at the Seoul International Garden Show 2024, set to take place in Ttukseom Han River Park, for five months starting in May.

Source: Yonhap News Agency