
Supreme Consultation and Recommendation Council Re-established

The Supreme Consultation and Recommendation Council (SCRC) for the 7th Legislature of the National Assembly was re-established by a royal decree signed by His Majesty King Norodom Sihamoni on Aug. 26, but released to the public this morning.

The reestablishment of SCRC was to promote the multi-party liberal democracy and to collect inputs for the national development.

SCRC will be composed of all political parties participating in the 7th National Election on July 23, as well as other registered political parties, but the formers can enjoy the privilege of being the founding members of the SCRC in case they submit a formal application within two weeks after the royal decree’s entry into force and with the approval from the Prime Minister.

The SCRC is a consultation and advisory mechanism of political parties for the Royal Government outside the parliamentary framework in order to improve work efficiency for the benefit of the people and the nation.

The first SCRC was established after the 6th National Election in 2018 on the initiative of Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, the then Prime Minister. Its mandate lasts along with that of the government.

SCRC’s major duties are to initiate and provide consultations on the elaboration of policies, laws and regulations of the Royal Government, and monitor the implementation of laws and government policies at the national and sub-national levels as well as provide recommendations in case of inactive or irregular act of any officials.

SCRC’s members will be convened for a meeting every month by their chairman (each political party takes over the SCRC chairmanship every month on a rotation basis) and every six months with the Prime Minister or at other necessary time at the Prime Minister’s convocation.

There were in total 18 political parties contesting in the July 23, 2023 National Election – Cambodian People’s Party (CPP), Cambodian Youth Party, Khmer United National Party, Dharmacracy Party, Democracy Power Party, Cambodian Nationality Party, Khmer United Party, Khmer Conservative Party, FUNCINPEC Party, Beehive Social Democratic Party, People Purpose Party, Ekpheap Cheat Khmer Party, Women’s Party for Women, Khmer Anti-Poverty Party, Khmer Economic Development Party, Cambodia Indigenous People’s Democracy Party, Grassroots Democratic Party, and Khmer Farmers Party.

CPP gained 120 National Assembly seats and the royalist FUNCINPEC Party won the remaining 5.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse